Bone Hill National Wildlife Refuge

Bone Hill National Wildlife Refuge is a National Wildlife Refuge in North Dakota. It is managed under Kulm Wetland Management District.
Bone Hill National Wildlife Refuge was established by Executive Order 8112, signed on May 10, 1939 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Refuge boundaries encompass of private land. A system of management easements allows the District staff to maintain a dam on the property and restrict hunting, trapping and other harassment of wildlife.
Bone Hill Refuge is located in LaMoure County, North Dakota. From Jud, North Dakota the northwest corner of the Refuge is north and one mile east on county and township roads.
The Refuge is a migration stopover for waterfowl. Snow geese frequently stop in the neighborhood surrounding the Refuge during spring and fall migrations. Much of the Refuge lands are cultivated by the owner; however, some waterfowl nesting and brood rearing takes place on the reservoir and pasture portions of the Refuge.
Bone Hill National Wildlife Refuge is closed to all public use. Very limited opportunities for wildlife observation and photography are available from public roads around the Refuge.