Bonab County

Bonab is a county in the East Azerbaijan Province in Iran. The capital of the county is Bonab. The county is located on the east side of Lake Urmia. At the 2006 census, the county's population was 125,209, in 31,921 families. The county has one district: the Central District. The county has one city: Bonab.
The main language spoken is Azeri. The name of the city, however, is like most other towns in East Azerbaijan, of the Azeri Turkish origin, means "1000 houses". The meaning "water base" can be considered true because back when the lake Urmia had not lost more than half of its water, digging ground for 5 meters gained your access to water in Bonab. but it's not an original meaning.

bicycle city of iran

The Great Cycling Conference in 1996 was founded by Mohammad Mirzadoost, head of the Bonab Sports Bureau and former Governor of Bonab. And this conference is held annually with the presence of more than 30,000 bicycle riders in Bonab. In the end, awards will be awarded to the participants by lottery. In the city, there are at least one bike in every building, and most people go to work with their bikes.