Bodily harm

Bodily harm is a legal term of art used in the definition of both statutory and common law offences in Australia, Canada, England and Wales and other common law jurisdictions. It is a synonym for injury or bodily injury and similar expressions, though it may be used with a precise and limited meaning in any given jurisdiction. The expression grievous bodily harm first appeared in a statute in Lord Ellenborough's Act.


In the Canadian Criminal Code, "bodily harm" is defined as "any hurt or injury to a person that interferes with the health or comfort of the person and that is more than merely transient or trifling in nature."

England and Wales

The expression is not defined by any statute. It currently appears in a number of offences under the Offences against the Person Act 1861 and in the offence of burglary under the Theft Act 1968. It is also used in the definition of murder in the guise of grievous bodily harm.
Psychiatric disorder
Non-physical or psychiatric injury can be considered "bodily harm" whether "actual" or "grievous", but there must be formal medical evidence to verify the injury.
In R v Ireland, R v Burstow, Lord Steyn said:
In modern times, the practice of statutory interpretation frequently refers to the actual intention of the draftsman as expressed in the words of the Act, but considered in the light of contemporary knowledge. applied this approach. Hobhouse LJ. said the prosecution "chose to introduce into the case an allegation that even if Mr Martins had suffered no physical injury at all as a result of the assault upon him by the Appellant, he had nevertheless been reduced to a mental state which in itself, without more, amounted to actual bodily harm. The only evidence to which the prosecution could point in support of this allegation was the evidence of Mr Martins that he felt abused and humiliated, that he had been threatened with further violence, and that he was very frightened. There was no medical or psychiatric evidence to support the allegation. There was no evidence that he was in a state of shock at any time prior to receiving the injuries which he suffered as a result of falling from the window."
Hobhouse LJ. said:
He went on to say:
He said that juries "should not be directed that an assault which causes a hysterical and nervous condition is an assault occasioning actual bodily harm".
This was followed by the Court of Appeal in R v Constanza, and the House of Lords which confirmed the principle in . Ireland caused three women to suffer psychiatric illness. Burstow's victim was fearful of personal violence and was diagnosed as suffering from a severe depressive illness. The best medical practice today accepts a link between the body and psychiatric injury, so the words "bodily harm" in sections 20 and 47 were capable of covering recognised psychiatric illnesses, such as an anxiety disorders or a depressive disorder, which affect the central nervous system of the body. However, to qualify, those neuroses must be more than simple states of fear, or problems in coping with everyday life, which do not amount to psychiatric illnesses.
Venereal and other communicable disease
See EWCA Crim 1103
The Law Commission stated its view that "the deliberate or reckless causing of disease should not be beyond the reach of the criminal law" and there is continuing debate over whether the transmission of HIV is covered as grievous bodily harm or under sections 22 to 24 of the Offences against the Person Act 1861.
In R v Clarence, it appeared that at a time when the prisoner knew, but his wife did not know, that he was suffering from gonorhoea, he had "connection" with her; that the result was that the disease was communicated to her, and that had she been aware of the prisoner's condition she would not have submitted to the intercourse.
Lord Coleridge CJ., Pollock and Huddleston BB., Stephen, Manisty, Mathew, A L Smith, Wills and Grantham JJ., held that the conduct of the prisoner did not amount to an offence under either section 20 or section 47. Field, Hawkins, Day and Charles JJ. dissented.
Wills J. said "the facts are... that he infected her, and that from such infection she suffered grievous bodily harm".
Hawkins J. said:
Field J. said :
See EWHC 266, Crim LR 622.
See DPP v. Smith EWHC 94
Pain or hurt such as persisting headaches, vomiting, pains in joints, stomach aches not caused by physical trauma
Mentioned in Cr App R 386
Great pain followed by tenderness and soreness for some time afterwards
This may constitute actual bodily harm, even though there is no physically discernible injury. See Reigate Justices ex p. Counsell 148 JP 193, DC