Blue-cheeked amazon

The blue-cheeked amazon, also known as blue-cheeked parrot or Dufresne's amazon, is a parrot found in northeast South America in eastern Venezuela, the Guianas and possibly far northern Brazil. It lives in forest and savanna woodlands up to.


It is about long. Its coloring is mostly green, with blue cheeks from around the eye to the neck, a yellow-orange wing speculum, a yellowish crown, and orange lores.
The binomial of this species commemorates the French zoologist Louis Dufresne. Now monotypic, it formerly included the red-browed amazon as a subspecies.
This species appears to live in pairs in the interior of tropical and subtropical forests while breeding. During the summer, Blue-Cheeked Amazon parrots migrate in flocks of varying size to coastal areas.
In July and August, Blue-cheeked amazons move irregularly to coastal regions.