Bloemhof High School

Bloemhof High School is a secondary Afrikaans school for girls, located in Stellenbosch, South Africa.


It was established in 1875 as an English girls' school. In 1903 three houses were acquired with the intention of accommodating more boarding and day students. In 1925 the school became an Afrikaans-medium girls school. As of 2017, the school principal is Wilna van Heerden. The school is located next to the Rhenish Girls' High School and opposite the Paul Roos Gymnasium for boys. It is further next to the Eerste River and Markotter sports grounds.


There are currently 715 girls enrolled in grade 8 through 12. Bloemhof hosts girls from all around South Africa and the alumni community is very active. Bloemhof is driven by values and girls are engaged as adults being prepared for life rather than ruled by very specific school rules. Bloemhof is well known for its excellent performance in arts, culture, sports and academia, which provides the girls with a well-rounded education. The number of grade 12 students obtaining A symbols in their final year has increased from 38.6% in 2010 to 49.6% in 2016, which has given the school one of the top reputations in the Western Cape Province in South Africa. The school's motto is Semper Fidelis, which means "Always Loyal" in Latin.