Birmingham Perry Barr (UK Parliament constituency)

Birmingham, Perry Barr is a constituency of part of the city of Birmingham represented in the House of Commons of the UK Parliament.

Members of Parliament


The constituency covers a broad area of north-west Birmingham.
2010–present: The City of Birmingham wards of Handsworth Wood, Lozells and East Handsworth, Oscott, Perry Barr, Birchfield
1997–2010: The City of Birmingham wards of Handsworth, Oscott, Perry Barr, and Sandwell.
1983–1997: The City of Birmingham wards of Handsworth, Kingstanding, Oscott, and Perry Barr.
1974–1983: The County Borough of Birmingham wards of Kingstanding, Oscott, and Perry Barr.
1950–1974: The County Borough of Birmingham wards of Kingstanding and Perry Barr.


Elections in the 2010s

Elections in the 2000s

Elections in the 1990s

Elections in the 1980s

Elections in the 1970s

Elections in the 1960s

Elections in the 1950s