
Bimal-Kumar are fictional characters created by Bengali novelist Hemendra Kumar Roy. These are popular figures of Bengali Children's literature. Roy wrote almost thirty Bimal-Kumar stories and novel. Some of them are science fiction.


They are two Bengali friends named Bimal and Kumar. Both are adventurous, daredevil and intelligent. The duos like to solve mysteries, roam all over the world, search hidden treasure and live a fearless life. They are bachelors. Their old, loyal servant Ramhari and pet dog Bagha accompany them. Ramhari acts as their guardian. Binoy babu, a man with versatile knowledge and a school boy Kamal sometimes joins their adventure.


Jakher Dhan, the first and most popular story of Bimal and Kumar was filmed by director Haricharan Bhanja in 1939. This movie starred Chhaya Devi, Ahindra Choudhury and Jahar Ganguly. Another Bimal-Kumar story Abar Jakher Dhan was telecast as a television serial in the 1990s. Another Bengali movie, Jawker Dhan, was released in August, 2017, directed by Sayantan Ghoshal. The roles of Bimal and Kumar were played by Parambrata Chatterjee and Rahul Banerjee, respectively.