Bicorn and Chichevache

Bicorn and Chichevache are fabulous beasts that appear in European satirical works of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. Bicorn is a creature—often described as a part-panther, part-cow creature with a human-like face—that devours kind-hearted and devoted husbands and is plump and well fed. Chichevache, on the other hand, devours obedient wives and is thin and starving.


mentions Chichevache in the envoy of the Clerk's Tale in his Canterbury Tales:
Chaucer may have borrowed the French term chichifache and put it with vache to make the similar term chichevache. D. Laing Purves notes that "The origin of the fable was French; but Lydgate has a ballad on the subject. 'Chichevache' literally means 'niggardly' or 'greedy cow."


In the early fifteenth century John Lydgate wrote "Bycorne and Chychevache", a 133-line poem in 7-line stanzas, probably from a French original. Written "at the request of a worthy citizen of London" to accompany a tapestry or painted wall-hanging, the poem is accompanied by instructions for pictorial representations. Lydgate describes the two beasts as husband and wife.

In popular culture