Bibliography of Whittaker Chambers
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- 1947–1948:
- * "The Middle Ages"
- * "Medieval Life"
- * "The Glory of Venice"
- * "The Age of Enlightenment"
- * "The Edwardians"
- * "Age of Exploration"
- * "The Protestant Revolution"
- "The Devil Throughout History,"
- "Is Academic Freedom in Danger?"
- "The End of a Dark Age Ushers in New Dangers"
- "The Sanctity of St. Benedict"
National Review
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- " 1957–1959
Collected magazine articles
Other media
Video on Chambers
- Red Spy Films. Chambers Farm, Secret Doc. 1948/12/06 time: 00:00:51
- Whittaker Chambers on "close friends"
- Alger Hiss Story - Chambers on the "tragedy of history"
- Alger Hiss defends himself
- Whittaker Chambers
- Whittaker Chambers
- Whittaker Chambers before HUAC
- Whittaker Chambers reading of Hiss guilty verdict
- Whittaker Chambers near the time of his death
Hiss–Chambers case
Books on Hiss Caee
- "" by
Film on Hiss Case
- Nixon, 1995, directed by Oliver Stone, - video clips of Whittaker Chambers
- Concealed Enemies, 1984, directed by Jeff Bleckner, - made-for-television movie on the Hiss-Chambers case
- The Trials of Alger Hiss, 1980, - pro-Hiss film
- North by Northwest, 1959, directed by Alfred Hitchcock - reference to the Pumpkin Papers
- Commotion on the Ocean, 1959, Three Stooges - features microfilm in watermelon in reference to the Pumpkin Papers
Articles or Chapters on Chambers
Novels that include characters based on Whittaker Chambers