Bibliography of 18th–19th century Royal Naval history

This Bibliography covers sources for Royal Navy history through the 18th and 19th centuries. Some sources may be duplicated in sections when appropriate. Among the contemporary and earlier historical accounts are, historical accounts, often derived from letters, dispatches, government and military records, captain's logs and diaries, etc., by people involved in or closely associated to the historical episode in question. Primary source material is either written by these people or often collected, compiled, and/or written and published by other editors also, sometimes many years after the historical subject has passed. Primary sources listed in this bibliography are denoted with an uppercase bold ' before the book title. Publications that are in the public domain and available online for viewing in their entirety are denoted with E'Book.

[Royal Navy]

Penguin Books, 560 pages,,
Harvard University Press, 485 pages,
Henry G. Bohn, London, 532 pages,
Blandford P., 174 pages,
W. Clowes & sons, limited, p. 18,
E.P.Dutton & Co., New York, p. 436,
Naval Institute Press, p. 276,,
Osprey Publishing, p. 96,
Helion and Company, p. 584
Oxford University Press, p. 496,
University Press, p. 71,
Harding, Lepard and Company, London, p. 567,
Baldwin, Cradock and Joy, London p. 646,
Richard Bentley, London, p. 386,
Baldwin, Chadock and Joy, London, p. 500,
Richard Bentley, London, p. 404,
Richard Bentley, London, p. 568,
Conway Maritime Press, London, p. 424,
W. H. Allen & Company, London,
Basic Books, New York, p. 874,
Conway Maritime Press, p. 224,,
Naval Institute Press, p. 319,,
Naval Institute Press, p. 206,,
Ashgate Publishing, Ltd, p. 226,
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Green, London, p. 484,
BiblioBazaar, p. 736,,
Navy Records Society
Cambridge University Press,
William Collins Sons & Co., London. p. 445,
George H. Doran Company, p. 428,
University of Wisconsin—Madison, p. 888,
Naval Institute Press, Annapolis. p. 227,
T. Fisher Unwin, London, p. 327,
Yale University Press, p. 640,,
Richard Bentley, 1863, p. 809,

[Admiral Nelson]

Aurum Press, London; p. 560,,
Scribner, p. 322,
E-reads/E-rights, p. 436,,
Stackpole Books, Penn., p. 201,,
Conway Maritime Press, London; p. 312,,
Basic Books, p. 936,,
Naval Institute Press, p. 352,,
Headline books, 560 pages,,
Longmans, Green, 456 pages,
Naval Institute Press, 283 pages,,
Little, Brown and Co., Boston, 525 pages,,
Henry Colburn, London, p. 814,
Scarecrow Press, 629 pages,,
Fryer & Clark, Baltimore, 119 pages,
Longmans, Green, and Co., London, Bombay. p. 302,
Dial Press/J. Wade, p. 538,
Chatto & Windus, p. 372,
B.T. Batsford Limited, p. 254,
For other sources for Admiral Nelson see Royal Navy

Battle of Copenhagen">Battle of Copenhagen (1801)">Battle of Copenhagen

T. Bensley, London, 702 pages, ,
Naval Institute Press, p. 270,,
Longmans, Green, and Co., London, Bombay, p. 302,

[Battle of Trafalgar]

Little Brown, 416 pages,,
Stackpole Books, Penn., p. 201,,
David & Charles, p. 320,,
David & Charles, p. 352,,