Bharya tells the story of a family residing in Vrindavanam. Nandan and Rohini are the children of Professor, Vishwanatha Menon and Jayaprabha Teacher. They lead a life with little contact to the outside world. Although Rohini was previously married to Vrindavanam resident, Sharath, she was later widowed. However, even after more than 4 years, she is unable to acknowledge this. Having moved back to her parents' home with her daughter, Rohini continues to believe that Sharath will return. Nandan - without his parents' permission - marries his love interest, Nayana, and takes her to Vrindavanam. His family does not know that Nayana and her family are a band of antisocials who serve as human parasites. Nayana's brother Narendran is also their town's rowdy, but people from Vrindavanam seems to have no idea about it. Narendran lusts after Rohini and Nayana starts to work her cruel and devilish activities. Initially shocked, but the family accepts identity of their daughter in law after a long period, but Nandan did not and is blinded by Nayana's feminine charms. Rohini marries Jose for protection from Narendran. Will Nayana's family be successful in their cunning and destructive tactics is what the story explores. The teledrama is a daily bit for vicarious traumatization of ill family styles and instructive aid on such ways. Rakhi died by hanging herself because of Jose but it was actually because of Sharath the villain. Sharath's true nature is exposed to everyone. Meanwhile, Nayana who re-entered the Vrindavan house as she was pregnant, was hated by everyone in the house. She delivers a baby girl, who the Vrindavan family refuses to accept as their own. However, Rohini visits the baby in the hospital. Finally it is revealed that person is there in the name of Sharath is not Rohini's husbent real sharath. But he is Suresh aka Vidura Sura. An evil womanizer and wanted criminal. Who is the look alike of Sharath. When Rohini gave birth to her child, Sharath was coming to meet them but he was beaten and thrown to a rail way track because he looks identical to the criminal. They thought he was Vidura Sura. In that same time Vidura met Sharath and seeing his resemblance to him. He took Sharath's identity and pretended to be Sharath to everyone. Finally, the real Sharath came back and Vidura Sura was killed by Rohini. Now Sharath is been hunted by people mistaken his identity as the deceased criminal. Naran marries Mochitha and she became pregnant. Naran knows about Sharath shares Momochitha. Now the main lead characters changes to Sharath and Rohini. It has now come to knowledge that Rohini's original husband Sharath is alive. Jose compels Naran to disturb Sharath in anyway so as to make Rohini his own.
Main cast
Sonu / Mridula Vijay as Rohini Sharath
Sajan Surya as Narendran or Vakathi Naran
Arun G Raghavan as Vidura Sura/ Suresh/ Surya/ Sharath/ Shahjahan/ Shankar Das/ Krishnaprasad/ Arjun/ Shakthi/ Yamini
Rajesh Hebbar as Jose
Baby Keziya / Baby Krishna Priya as Lechu, Sharath and Rohini's daughter