Bhalu Khaira

Bhalu Khaira is a village and a notified area in Aurangabad district in the Indian state of Bihar.


The village was founded by Mohammed Iqrajul Khan F/O Mohammad Abul Hassan Khan.


Bhalu Khaira is located at It has an average elevation of Total area: 4.39 km²
Total distance: 8.39 km. Bhalu Khaira has a named Dhava River.


India census, Bhalu Khaira had a population of 10,389. Males constitute 52% of the population and females 48%. Rafiganj has an average literacy rate of 79%, more than the national average of 59.5%: male literacy is 55%, and female literacy is 41%. In Bhalu Khaira, 29% of the population is under 6 years of age.


Bhalu Khaira is well connected with the Three Major city 'Rafiganj', 'Gaya' and 'Aurangabad' and three block subdivision 'Rafiganj' 'Goh','Obra', and 'Daudnagar'.

Local Transport

City Bus, Auto-Rickhaw, Taxi, and cycle rickshaw moves here generally to the local transport.


Regular Bus service is from Rafiganj to Aurangabad, TATA, Ranchi, Kolkata, Dhanbad and Goh.

Educational institutions