The series follows two anthropomorphic animals, Ed and Buddy, a dog and a squirrel respectively, who live in the town of Swellville in the north of the United States. Their adventures and sometimes mis-adventures usually cause them to interact with other characters. While Ed is well-liked by all, and extremely lucky, Buddy is vehemently despised, and extremely unlucky, gratuitously so.
Ed – A yellow dog. Ed is overenthusiastic and helpful, but rather dimwitted. He has many catchphrases, such as his trademark 'Yee!' and 'I'm here to help!', as well as 'Sacagawea!', 'Krakatoa!' and 'Well isn't that curious?' He has a speech impediment which makes him often say 'sh' rather than 's'. He has 'happy sandals', and is a frequent viewer of The Mighty Measel Moles, a Star Trek parody, both of which Buddy hates. He has numerous skills. Much focus is drawn to his navel. He is well liked by everyone in the neighborhood, although he considers Buddy his best friend. Buddy AKA Doug – An orange squirrel. Buddy is more level-headed and intelligent than Ed. He suffers incredibly from the antics of Ed, and everyone else, and only ends the episode happily in only a few episodes. He still does consider himself good friends with Ed. Everyone else dislikes him. He enjoys nuts, and has a car with a giant acorn for a roof. He was part of a club devoted to the nerdy role playing gameBattle Buddies awhile ago. His catchphrases are "Oh no, please, no!" and 'It's Doug, actually'.
Mr. Thursty - A large, brown dog. Mr. Thursty is paranoid and aggressive. His sidekick is Eugene. He speaks with an African-American accent. He is very jealous of Buddy. Miss Fluffé - A yellow hamster. Miss Fluffé resembles the stereotypical fortune teller, but this is not an often employed trait. She has a crush on Ed. The Kitten Twins - Pink cats. Betsy and Buster appear cute and innocent, but are the worst of the lot. They tend to speak at the same time and giggle a lot. They are very rich, due to their high paying jobs as top mitten testers. They ride unicycles, as displayed in "Best Ed The Movie". Dr. Quacken - A tall green duck who wears glasses and a white jacket. He is Ed and Buddy's family doctor. Whenever he gives Buddy the bill, he uses "duck bill humor". He loves playing golf, and does not know what club to use on the ninth hole. Eugene Tuttle - A short, green and brown turtle. Eugene is frequently picked on by Mr. Thursty. He lives in a house shaped liked a shell, surrounded by a moat. He is the only reptile in the neighbourhood. He appears infrequently compared to everybody else in the neighborhood, and is shy and nervous. He has not been mean to Buddy yet. Heiny - A Scottish Terrier who wears a kilt and has a Scottish accent who is a crossing guard. Heiny appears to have a temper as he is yelling most of the time. Whithey, Blakie and Red - Three squirrels and brothers who attended the same college as Buddy. The group hosts annual Battle Buddy Weekends with Buddy.