Baruch Rahmilevich Mendelson, commonly known as Bert Ramelson, was an industrial organiser and politician for the Communist Party of Great Britain. He held the post of National Industrial Organiser from 1965 to 1977, and was editor and a member of editorial board of the World Marxist Review from 1977 to 1990.
Early life
Ramelson was born the sixth of seven children in a Jewish family in Cherkassy, Russian Empire, in 1910. His father was a Talmudic scholar and his mother ran a corner shop inherited from her father, which the family lived in. In 1922 Ramelson's family emigrated to Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, where his paternal uncle was a successful fur trader. Ramelson won a scholarship to the University of Alberta, where he achieved First Class Honours in law. While he was a student he was conscripted onto an officer training course. After completing his mandatory year in practice as an articled clerk and qualifying as a barrister, he left to join a kibbutz in Palestine. He later recalled that he became disillusioned after Histadrut called a strike on an orange grove in the kibbutz, demanding that the Arab workers be replaced by Jews.
In 1965 Ramelson was appointed National Industrial Organiser of the Communist Party and in 1966, during the seamen's strike of 1966, he was one of a number of men accused by LabourPrime Minister Harold Wilson of being members of "a tightly knit group of politically motivated men who, as the last General Election showed, utterly failed to secure acceptance of their views by the British electorate. Some of them are now saying very blatantly that they are more concerned with harming the nation than with getting the justice we all want to see". During his time as National Organiser Ramelson encouraged the party to forge links with trade unions such as the Transport and General Workers Union and, with a range of organisers such as Jack Jones and Ken Gill, coordinated union resistance to some of the policies of the Wilson government of the 1960s, above all Barbara Castle's proposals to reform trade union law in the White Paper In Place of Strife. Later, in the 1970s, he was a prominent opponent of incomes policies of both Conservative and Labour governments, and of the Social Contract between the trade unions and the Labour government. The tactics implemented by Ramelson mobilised militant trades unionists to organise within the labour movement. He opposed the Industrial Relations Act 1971 and fought for the release of the Pentonville Five. In 1972 he organised flying pickets during the miners' strike. In 1973 Ramelson said: "We have more influence now on the labour movement than at any time in the life of our party. The Communist Party can float an idea early in the year. It goes to trade union conferences as a resolution and it can become official Labour Party policy by the autumn. A few years ago we were on our own, but not now."
Personal life
He married his first wife Marian in 1939, whom he met in the Communist Party in Leeds. Marian Ramelson wrote Petticoat Rebellion, a work about women's rights, and was a leading activist in the Party. Marian died in 1967 and he married Joan Smith in 1970.