Bernhard von Kugler
Bernhard von Kugler was a German historian. He is largely known for his research of the Crusades.
He studied at the Universities of Greifswald, Tübingen and Munich, obtaining his habilitation in history at University of Munich in 1861. Later, he became an associate professor and a full professor of history at the University of Tübingen.
He was the son of art historian Franz Theodor Kugler.Published works
- Boemund und Tankred, Fürsten von Antiochien : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Normannen in Syrien, 1862 – Bohemond and Tancred, prince of Antioch : a contribution to the history of the Normans in Syria.
- Ulrich Herzog zu Wirtemberg, 1865 – Ulrich, Duke of Württemberg.
- Studien zur Geschichte des zweiten Kreuzzuges, 1866 – Studies involving the history of the Second Crusade.
- Christoph, Herzog zu Wirtemberg – Christoph, Duke of Württemberg.
- Analecten zur Geschichte des zweiten Kreuzzugs. 1878 - Selections from the history of the Second Crusade.
- Geschichte der Kreuzzüge, 1880 – History of the Crusades.
- Neue Analecten zur Geschichte des zweiten Kreuzzuges, 1883 - New selections from the history of the Second Crusade.
- Albert von Aachen 1885 – Albert of Aix.