Bernhard Schaub

Bernhard Schaub is a Swiss holocaust denier and a far right activist. He works in Switzerland and Germany. He gained publicity, particularly in Switzerland, due to his book "Adler und Rose".

Professional career

Bernhard Schaub was born in Bern. He was a teacher at a Waldorf school in Adliswil, but was fired in January 1993, after his above-mentioned book received publicity and therefore his ideology was unveiled.
Afterwards he worked for the Klubschule in Frauenfeld until 1999 as a "pädagogischer Mitarbeiter". He was sacked after a lecture in Munich that took place on 15 June 1998
Since then he has been a speaker at events, both domestically and internationally, in the far-right extremist scene.


March 1994: Foundation of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Enttabuisierung der Zeitgeschichte" – "Work community to free history from taboos". Later the group was renamed "Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Erforschung der Zeitgeschichte". The founders were four former teachers: Arthur Vogt, Andreas Studer, Jürgen Graf, and Schaub. The related magazine "Aurora", which ran to 13 editions between 1994 and 1997, was predominantly written by Schaub. Furthermore, the group tried to spread Holocaust-denying ideology in Switzerland. They sent out – according to their own statements – propaganda to 6000 political and university addresses. For the same purposes a professionally printed brochure, which denied the existence of gas chambers in Auschwitz, was also distributed.
Bernhard Schaub collaborated with the far-right "Partei National Orientierter Schweizer" , which included a violent faction among its members. He wrote the party manifesto and also contributed columns for the party’s paper "Zeitgeist". After his apparently voluntary exit from the party, he founded the ":de:Nationale Außerparlamentarische Opposition|Nationale Außerparlamentarische Opposition" in Switzerland, which describes itself as a "Sammelbewegung für den echten nationalen Widerstand in der Schweiz".
Schaub is president of the :de:Verein zur Rehabilitierung der wegen Bestreitens des Holocaust Verfolgten|Verein zur Rehabilitierung der wegen Bestreitens des Holocaust Verfolgten, which was founded by notable Holocaust deniers including Horst Mahler, Manfred Roeder and Ernst Zündel.
He participated in the Holocaust Conference in Tehran in 2006.
