Bernadette Geyer

Bernadette K. Geyer is a poet, writer, translator, and editor in Berlin, Germany.


She graduated from Allegheny College. She worked for the US Fuel Cell Council, and was deputy director of Fuel Cells 2000; she served as editor-in-chief of The Word Works, and works as a freelance writer/editor/translator in Berlin, Germany.
Her writings and translations have appeared in Oxford American, The Massachusetts Review, Barrow Street, Hotel Amerika, The Marlboro Review, South Dakota Review, The Midwest Quarterly, The Potomac Review, Gargoyle, 32 poems, The Evansville Review, culture: the word on cheese, AFAR Magazine, Birmingham Poetry Review, and the 2015 Poet's Market.
She read at the Poetry at Noon Series at the Library of Congress.

