Bench press

The bench press is an upper-body weight training exercise in which the trainee presses a weight upwards while lying on a weight training bench. The exercise uses the pectoralis major, the anterior deltoids, and the triceps, among other stabilizing muscles. A barbell is generally used to hold the weight, but a pair of dumbbells can also be used.
The barbell bench press is one of three lifts in the sport of powerlifting alongside the deadlift and squat, and is the only lift in the sport of Paralympic powerlifting. It is also used extensively in weight training, bodybuilding, and other types of training to develop the chest muscles.


The person performing the exercise lies on their back on a bench with a barbell grasped in both hands. They lower the barbell to chest level, then press the barbell upwards, extending the arms until the elbows are locked out. This is one repetition.
Powerlifting: Take position on a flat bench with body weight resting on buttocks and upper traps having an arched back and feet driven into the floor. Movement requires the weight to be taken at full arms' length, lowered to upper torso, paused, and then lifted to starting position.


The bench press has evolved over the years, from floor, bridge, and belly toss variations to the methods used by bodybuilders and powerlifters today. It become popular from the late 1950s onwards. Despite the fact the parallel dip is safer, in the 1950s the bench press took over the dip in popularity, and became the standard fare for chest exercises.
At first the strict floor press was the most popular method. In 1899, using a barbell with discs, George Hackenschmidt, inventor of the barbell hack squat, rolled a barbell over his face and performed a strict floor press with. This stood as a record for 18 years until Joe Nordquest broke it by in 1916.
Around this time, new methods started gaining ground. Lifters started figuring out that strong glutes could help them get the bar from the ground to overhead. They would lie on the floor and position the bar over their abdomen, then perform an explosive glute bridge movement, catapulting the bar upwards and catching it at lockout.
Lifting techniques, training and drugs have improved over the years and the bench press record lift has grown from to in approximately 100 years.
The bench press is used as a test of upper-body explosive strength during the NFL combine, where prospective NFL draft picks attempt to get as many reps of 225 lbs as possible.


A conventional bench press uses the pectoralis major, anterior deltoids, and coracobrachialis muscles to horizontally adduct the shoulder. It also uses predominantly triceps and anconeous to extend the elbows. Wider hand spacing places a greater emphasis on shoulder flexion and narrower hand spacing utilizes more elbow extension. Because of this, wider hand spacing is associated with training the pectorals and narrower hand spacing is associated with training the triceps.
In addition to the major phasic muscles the bench press also uses tonic muscles: scapular stabilizers, humeral head stabilizers, and core


Variations of the bench press involve different groups of muscles, or involve the same muscles in different ways:
Performing the bench press can contribute to multiple types of injuries: