Below Zero (1930 film)

Below Zero is a 1930 short film starring Laurel and Hardy, directed by James Parrott and produced by Hal Roach.


Laurel and Hardy have no success earning money on a bleak, snowy winter's day as sidewalk musicians, especially when playing "In the Good Old Summertime". This annoys a man shoveling his sidewalk and a woman who throws the pair a dollar to get them to move on. She calls out to Hardy as "Mr Whiteman", a joke reference to big bandleader of the 1930s Paul Whiteman. Their instruments are destroyed in an argument with a woman, but Stan finds a wallet. They are chased by a thief, but are protected by a police officer. Stan and Ollie share a slap-up meal with the cop, but unfortunately, Stan finds out the wallet in fact belongs to the cop. When the policeman discovers this, he tells the waiter, who throws them out of the restaurant and throws Stan upside down in a barrel of water. Oliver finds Stan, who now has an enormous stomach after drinking all the water while trapped in the barrel.

Cast "Below Zero (1930) - Cast". ''[IMDb]''

Spanish version

An extended Spanish version, Tiembla Y Titubea was also produced with Laurel and Hardy speaking phonetically from blackboards placed just out of camera range; Spanish-speaking actors replacing the English supporting players.