Beach House (film)

Beach House is a 1977 Italian comedy film directed by Sergio Citti. It was shown as part of a retrospective on Italian comedy at the 67th Venice International Film Festival.


In a warm August's Sunday, a spacious beach house on Ostia's free beach is used in turn by many characters. A volleyball female team led by a martial coach; a lonely English priest with two penises and two grunty friends searching for girls; two sisters who want to seduce an austere insurance official; two old lovers who want to enjoy their first love meeting; two physically trained soldiers and an elderly couple with a young pregnant granddaughter, Teresina, trying to impute the paternity to a simple minded cousin.
Surrounded by various people, all of which are integral and conscientious part of it, the protagonists try to solve their problems or achieve their goals, thinking to turn reality to their own personal vision of things. Away from everyday life, in that holiday bracket there is time to study and make imaginative moves and countermoves, but they will not be able to change their outcomes. At the end of the day a violent and sudden rain will force everyone to a hurried return to the city.
