Be Happy (TV series)

Be Happy is a Singaporean Chinese drama which was telecasted on Singapore's free-to-air channel, MediaCorp Channel 8. It stars Fann Wong, Chen Hanwei, Zhang Yaodong, Paige Chua, Guo Liang, Vivian Lai, Zen Chong, Apple Hong & Wayne Chua as the casts of the series. It made its debut on 15 March 2011 and ended on 11 April 2011. This drama serial consists of 20 episodes, and was screened on every weekday night at 9.00 pm. This drama would be the second drama to be broadcast in Dolby Digital after Breakout.


40-year-old Zhang Weijian is a copywriter in an advertising firm, whom suffers in silence under his abusive boss Ken all because he lacks paper qualifications. Having made plans for his retirement, he is penny-pinching and shuns credit cards. Weijian's nondescript life ends when he is diagnosed with stage 4 cancer and given less than a year to live. Rather than wasting time and money on painful treatments, he keeps his illness to himself and goes on a spending spree. While living the high life, Wei Jian meets the dauntless Big S, whose dream is to become a Superwoman.
Big S, whose real name is Xiao Kaixin, is a 38-year-old single and a former stage 4 cancer patient. She is a popular radio deejay and hosts a programme on societal issues, with a hotline for listeners. Believing that her life is prolonged because she has been entrusted with a mission, Big S sets about doing charitable work. During a rescue attempt, Weijian encounters Big S. The initial animosity between them due to differences in opinions is tempered when Weijian discovers that Big S is a former cancer patient. He learns to appreciate her and eventually she becomes his soul mate.

