Barrel hitch

The "barrel hitch" and "barrel sling", named for their use in hoisting cargo aboard ships, are two simple yet effective ways to suspend an object. The barrel sling lays the barrel on its side, while the barrel hitch keeps it vertical. They work by forming a "sling" around the object, which supports it from either side and underneath.
The barrel sling is made with a strop. The barrel is laid on its side, both sides of the strop are spread out and passed underneath, the ends of the strop are raised together, one end is tucked through the other and hooked to an eyehook. The tightened knot looks like a cow hitch. A cow hitch and bowline can achieve the same effect and are called a "cow hitch hoist". The barrel hitch for lifting bales of hay is called a "bale sling hitch".


Though the barrel hitch will keep an object upright even if the rope is made to swing, it is important to note that strong jerking movements while raising or lowering can easily dislodge the sling.