Barnens adventskalender

Barnens adventskalender, broadcast at 7:55 each morning between 1 and 24 December 1957, was the first in what was to become an annual series of children's Yuletide programmesSveriges Radios julkalender produced by Swedish radio station Sveriges Radio.
Each five-minute programme featured a group of children singing a Christmas song or carol, talking to radio producer Rolf Bergström about their plans and preparations for Christmas, and then describing the image revealed as they opened each day's door on a special advent calendar.
Children at home could join in by cutting out the small copies of these images printed in the weekly radio programme guide Röster i Radio and sticking them on the outline picture of a Christmas tree also printed in the magazine.
Bergström got the idea after seeing Girl Guides selling copies of their movement's advent calendar in a bookshop.