
Bara-irnun was queen of the Sumerian city-state of Umma and wife of king Gishakidu, circa 2400 BCE. She is particularly known from a gold votive plate, in which she describes her genealogy in great detail. The inscription on the plate reads:
The original royal line of Umma consisted in the filiation of Enakalle and his own son Ur-Lumma. When Ur-Lumma died, presumably without a son but certainly with a daughter named Bara-irnum, the throne was handed over to Il, son of Eanandu and grandson of Enakalle. King Il was then succeeded by his own son Gishakidu. Bara-irnum married her cousin Gishakidu, thus re-uniting both stands of the royal family by a marital alliance.
The plaque is the first known mention of Shara, tutelary god of Umma.