
Bambino! is a Japanese cooking manga written and illustrated by Tetsuji Sekiya. The manga has been serialized in Shogakukan's seinen magazine Big Comic Spirits. As of February 2009, Shogakukan has published 14 tankōbon of the manga. It received the 2008 Shogakukan Manga Award for seinen/general manga along with Takeshi Natsuhara's and Kuromaru's Kurosagi.
NTV broadcast the live-action TV drama from April 18, 2007 to June 27, 2007. It was broadcast in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico by TV Japan, an affiliate of NHK, from January to March 2008.



Bambino! is written and illustrated by Tetsuji Sekiya. It was serialized in Shogakukan's seinen magazine Big Comic Spirits. As of March 2009, Shogakukan has published 14 bound volumes of the manga between March 30, 2005 and December 26, 2008.

Volume listing


by Arashi is the series' opening theme song


Soundtrack CD

On March 30, 2007, wint released a soundtrack CD for the Bambino! TV drama.


The Bambino! manga received the 2008 Shogakukan Manga Award for seinen/general manga along with Takeshi Natsuhara's and Kuromaru's Kurosagi.
At the 53rd Television Drama Academy Awards, the Bambino! television drama was awarded four prizes. They were: Best Actor, Supporting Actor, Best Director and Special Award.