Baki Sarısakal
Baki Sarısakal is a Turkish researcher, historian and author.Biography
Baki Sarısakal was born in Samsun in 1954. He completed his primary and secondary education at Samsun. He graduated from 19 Mayıs Highschool and than graduated from the Faculty of Languages, History and Geography of Ankara University. He prepared his thesis is named Political partys's social basisc in Turkey under Kurtuluş Kayalı. He learned from Afet İnan, Emre Kongar, Erdal Yavuz, Metin And, Şerafettin Turan, Kurtuluş Kayali, Nejat Kaymaz. He worked being a history teacher at Edirne Pasinler Erzurum Aşkale and Pasinler high schools and he retired from Samsun Trade and Anatolian Trade vocational high school. His articles were published variously national and local newspaper and magazines. He contributed enlightening of history of Samsun writing name tags of historical artifacts which are located in different situations. He consulted on Samsun protocol road 'Kurtuluş wharf', Samsun Gazi Museum's restoration works and city culture studies. He is married and has two sons.Sarısakal's published books
- Bir kentin tarihi: Samsun
- Bir kentin tarihi: Samsun
- Samsun basın tarihi
- Samsun sağlık tarihi
- Samsun polis tarih
- Samsun belediye tarihi
- Samsun eğlence tarihi
- Belge ve tanıklarla Samsun’da mübadele
- Samsun’da unutulmayan olaylar
- Belge ve tanıklarla Samsun’dan Ankara’ya
- Belge ve tanıklarla Samsun’dan Ankara’ya