Bajo Barreal Formation

The Bajo Barreal Formation is a geological formation in the Golfo San Jorge Basin of Chubut and Santa Cruz, Argentina whose strata date back to the Middle Cenomanian to Late Turonian. The formation was first described by Teruggi & Rossetto in 1963. The sandstones, claystones, mudstones, conglomerates and tuff were deposited in a fluvial environment. The upper part of formation is laterally equivalent to the Yacimiento El Trébol and Meseta Espinosa Formation and the lower part to the Laguna Palacios, Cañadón Seco and Comodoro Rivadavia Formations. The Bajo Barreal Formation is a reservoir rock in the Golfo San Jorge Basin.

Vertebrate paleofauna


Dinosaur remains are among the fossils that have been recovered from the formation. Dinosaur remains include the abelisaurid theropod Xenotarsosaurus bonapartei, as well as indeterminate teeth belonging to carcharodontosaurids and dromaeosaurids.
;Other fossils
Other fossils found in the formation include: