Bagher Shirazi

Bagher Ayatollahzadeh Shirazi, was an Iranian professor and architect.
Shirazi was the deputy coordinator at the Iranian Cultural Heritage Organization, coordinating and supervising all ICHO activities at a national and international level, establishing executive centers of the organization across all provinces of Iran. He then became the head of the organization, and remained until 2000.

Early life and education

Shirazi was born in Najaf, Iraq. He hails from the prominent religious al-Shirazi family. His father was Sayyid Muhammad-Husayn al-Shirazi, the son of grand Ayatollah Mirza Ali Agha al-Shirazi. His mother was the daughter of Sheikh Muhammad-Kadhim al-Shirazi. His eldest brother Razi is a religious jurist, as for his brothers' Mortadha, Mostafa and Fakhredinne, they are all doctors.


Shirazi travelled to Iran often at a young age until he settled in 1955, after his father passed away. He studied at the University of Tehran, earning a bachelors and masters in Architecture. He then went to the University of Rome, and completed his PhD in the Study and Restoration of Historic Monuments.



Shirazi has produced more than 65 scientific and research papers on architecture, conservation and related topics that have been published in journals and proceedings.
