Azhaliism is a Vajrayana Buddhist religion practiced among the Bai people of Yunnan, China. The name comes from lay tantric priests called azhali who are key figures in the religion, known for their use of spells and mantras.
The tradition was founded by an Indian acharya named Candragupta who traveled to the kingdom of Nanzhao from Tibet in 839. It is a hybrid tradition showing Chinese, Tibetan and Burmese influences.
This tradition was also the major religion of the Dali Kingdom. Key deities in this tradition include Mahakala and Acuoye Guanyin. The Shibaoshan grottoes, about north of Shaxi, Yunnan, are examples of the art of this Vajrayana tradition.
The tradition faced several challenges during Yuan and Qing rule but it continues as a living religion today.Citations