Aydar Akhatov

Aydar Gabdulkhaevich Akhatov is a Russian state, political and public figure, journalist, scientist-economist, ecologist, lawyer, artist.


Aydar Akhatov is an international expert in the field of ecology and economic management methods of environmental protection. The chairman of the Commission of experts, a member of Presidium of the Higher Ecological Council at the State Duma of the Russian Federation. DSc in Economics. The academician of the Russian Academy of the humanities. The academician of the International Academy of Ecology, Man and Nature Protection Sciences. The academician of the International Informatizational Academy of. Having three higher educations in the Russian Federation, Aydar Akhatov graduated also UCLA. One of the founders and leaders of the ecological movement in Russia. The active participant and the organizer of various international conferences and symposiums for ecological problematics. The delegate of the First All-Russian Congress on Environmental Protection, Moscow, 3–5 June 1995.
Aydar Akhatov developed the system of the economic mechanism of nature management and environmental protection in the conditions of transition to the market relations. He based the first in the USSR / Russia off-budget state ecological fund with the rights of the legal person, thereby having begun formation of the system of off-budget state funds on various segments at the country. The founder of the first in the USSR / Russia municipal sanitary-ecological police, which became a prototype of the creation of the similar structures in many regions of the country, including Moscow. Aydar Akhatov is the author of the first Russian encyclopaedic dictionary "Ecology". For the first time he developed a technique of definition and withdrawal of rent payments. He is also the author of some federal and regional bills and comments on the legislation of the natural resources block.
Aydar Akhatov is the founder and first head of the state institution for the formation of the gold reserves of the Republic of Tatarstan, Deputy Minister of Finance.
Aydar Akhatov started to be engaged in active political activity since 1989 on "ecological" wave. In April 1990, working as the chief of ecological inspection of executive committee of the Naberezhnochelninsky City Council, despite the interdiction from the first persons of local party and Soviet authorities, Aydar Akhatov warned the city population through mass media about adverse ecological conditions in the city. For unapproved performance on the city radio and automobile plant "KAMAZ" he was dismissed the chief of inspection, and then by the protest of the public prosecutor on the decision of the Executive Committee of the City Soviet of People's Deputies he was again restored. Akhatov A. G's given performance prevented a mass poisoning of the population of the city with substandard water. Subsequently, as the advocate of ecological publicity he was selected the People's Deputy, the chairman of the constant Commissions on publicity and ecology of Naberezhnochelninsky city council of People's Deputies, the People's Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the Tatar ASSR. In 1990 Aydar Akhatov received a title of the most popular regional politician "Mr. Time-'90". In 1990–1991, according to sociological interrogations of the population of Tatarstan, spent by sociological laboratory of Parliament of Tatarstan, he occupied second place in the rating of popularity among state and politicians of republic, having conceded first place only to the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev.

Career milestones

1986–2000: he was on supervising work in the state structures of the power and management in the Republic of Tatarstan, including the Mayoralty and in the City council of People's Deputies of the city Naberezhnye Chelny, in the republic Government on a post of the Head of Gohran, the Deputy Minister of the finance, in Parliament – the Supreme Soviet of XII convocation as the People's Deputy, the chairman of deputy group, in Parliament – the State Council of I convocation as the deputy, the head of parliamentary fraction.
In 1999 Aydar Akhatov was the candidate of State Duma of the Russian Federation of III convocation.
He lives and works in Moscow: 2000–2003 he was the deputy Director General of Open Society "Roslesprom" ; 2003–2004 he works in the system of the Ministry of property relations of the Russian Federation: the First deputy Director General, acting Director General of the FGUP "Efes", the First deputy the Head of the Territorial administration «Agency of federal property of Moscow»; 2004–2006 — the Chairman of board of directors of Group of the companies «National water resources", the Chairman of the board of directors of Company "Tatinvest", the Representative of the Government of the Russian Federation in the board of directors of Open Society"Electrostalsky factory of heavy mechanical engineering", Open Society "Electroprivod"; 2006–2009 – Chief executive NPO "Promecologia"; since 2009 – First Vice-President, President, the member of the board of directors of the company "CITY".


His father Gabdulkhay Huramovich Akhatov was a Soviet Tatar linguist and an organizer of science and then a second doctorate of Philology in 1965, Professor, an eminent public figurer, a member of the Soviet Committee of turkologists, a founder of some schools of thought: Soviet Tatar dialectological school of thought of Turkic languages, the Kazan phraseological school of thought, the Kazan school of thought of phonetics of Turkic languages. Professor G.Kh. Akhatov brought fundamental contribution to the research of dialects and lexicological features of Turkic languages, mainly, Tatar, in formation and development of phraseological researches. G.Akhatov was a founder of chairs of the Tatar language and the literature in a number of the state universities and teacher training colleges of the country in places of compact residing of the Tatar population, specialised councils about defence of doctor's and master's dissertations. G.Kh. Akhatov was the chairman of specialised councils about defence of doctor's and master's dissertations. He was an honours pupil of the higher school of the USSR. He was a member of the Higher Certifying commission of the USSR. G.Kh. Akhatov prepared more than 40 doctors and candidates of sciences, published about 200 proceedings. The head of a number of dialectological expeditions.
The grandfather – Deminov Abdrahman Sultanovich was a major industrial and Soviet worker, one of founding fathers of the glass industry in the USSR.
The mother – Roza Abdrahmanovna Akhatova, a worker of education, teacher of Russian and literature with the 30-year experience, veteran of work; nowadays on pension, she lives in Kazan.
His children are minors.

Other facts

Aydar Akhatov paints pictures in different styles and genres, using various techniques.
In the early 21st century, Aydar Akhatov invented a new style of painting, which he called "art-sensualism", the meaning of which is that the result depends only on the creativity of impressions, feelings of the artist, and not by a so-called objective reality. Any particular item of reality any artist can paint their own way and this will be his only true reality at the time of the creative process.
The creator of the new language of painting Aydar Ahatov reveals in his paintings elusive, fleeting harmony of man and the environment.
Aydar Akhatov wrote more than 350 paintings, which are not only involved in exhibitions, but also purchased by private collectors and museums around the world.