Ayali Khurd

Ayali Khurd is a village located in the Ludhiana West tehsil, of Ludhiana district, Punjab.


The village is administrated by a Sarpanch who is an elected representative of village as per constitution of India and Panchayati raj.
Total No. of Houses1,264
Child 788420368
Schedule Caste2,1381,140998
Schedule Tribe000
Literacy82.95 %88.17 %77.10 %
Total Workers1,9011,676225
Main Worker1,83400
Marginal Worker674819


The village constitutes 34.47% of Schedule Caste and the village doesn't have any Schedule Tribe population.

Villages in Ludhiana West Tehsil

Air travel connectivity

The closest airport to the village is Sahnewal Airport.