Axis of Advance

Axis of Advance was a Canadian death metal band from Edmonton, Alberta, active from 1998 to 2008.


Axis of Advance was formed in 1998 by two members of the band Sacramentary Abolishment after the third member, drummer Paulus Kressman, left that band. Guitarist/vocalist Wör and bassist/vocalist Vermin recruited drummer James Read and formed a new band.
In 1999 the band released an EP, Landline.
In 2002 the group release an album, The List.
Vermin also plays session guitars in J. Read's main band Revenge and was involved in Weapon for a short period of time. Vermin and J. Read both play in Blood Revolt along with Primordial's A.A. Nemtheanga.
Axis of Advance dissolved in 2008.
