Avatar Press

Avatar Press is an independent American comic book publisher founded in 1996 by William A. Christensen, and based in Rantoul, Illinois. Avatar Press is most notable for publishing Bad Girl comics, such as Faust, Pandora, Hellina, Lookers, The Ravening, and Brian Pulido's Lady Death. Such comics are currently published under the "Boundless Comics" imprint.
Avatar has a strong web presence, anchored by Warren Ellis' FreakAngels webcomic, as well as the comics news site Bleeding Cool, helmed by Rich Johnston.


Publisher Christensen had been a freelance contributor to Wizard magazine before founding Avatar Press. The company initially published only limited series. Avatar subsequently expanded to other formats.
As part of an effort to expand beyond its reputation as a bad girl publisher, Avatar offered a number of noted creators an opportunity to publish creator-owned books with no content restrictions whatsoever. Among the creators to take Avatar up on its offer were Frank Miller, Warren Ellis, Alan Moore, and Garth Ennis.
Lately, the company has taken to licensing comic book adaptations of famous science-fiction and horror movies and television shows, such as , RoboCop, Night of the Living Dead, and Friday the 13th.


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