Australian and New Zealand Map Society

The Australian and New Zealand Map Society, a society incorporated in Victoria, Australia, is a group of map producers, users and curators, which acts as a medium of communication for all those interested in maps. Membership of the ANZMapS is available to anyone who has an interest in maps.
The society was formed in 2009 by the merger of the Australian Map Circle, and the New Zealand Map Society.
The society holds an annual conference, publishes a peer-reviewed journal The Globe, and a newsletter.


The purposes of the society are:
  1. to promote public interest within Australia and New Zealand in historical and contemporary cartography and in map collections;
  2. to promote the development, maintenance and preservation and effective exploitation of map collections throughout Australia and New Zealand;
  3. to improve the skills and status of persons working with map collections; and
  4. to promote communication between producers, users and curators of maps.


Society awards: