Aura Garrido

Aura Garrido Sánchez is a Spanish film and television actress from Madrid. She has appeared in such films as Stockholm as well as the television series El ministerio del tiempo.

Early life

Garrido was born in Madrid in 1989, in a family with a clear artistic vocation: Her father, Tomás Garrido is a composer and orchestra conductor, her mother, Pilar Sánchez, is a painter.
She took her first piano classes when she was only four years old and soon after she started practicing ballet. She speaks English thanks to having an English-speaking best friend growing up.
After ending her high school studies, she enrolled herself in the Real Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático, in Madrid, she took interpretation until her third year, specializing in textual interpretation, but she dropped out in 2010 because she was cast for the film Planes para mañana. This role earned her the Biznaga de Plata for best actress and a Goya Awards nomination in the best breakthrough actress category among other nominations.


In 2010 she got her first main role in the Telecinco television series La pecera de Eva. Later, she centered her career in the small screen, and formed part of the Ángel o demonio, Crematorio and Imperium casts.
She went back to working in cinema with two small roles in Promoción fantasma and El cuerpo,. In 2013 she starred in Stockholm. Her interpretation was well received by critics and earned her being nominated in the best actress category in the Goya Awards, the Feroz Awards and the Forqué Awards. Although she didn't succeed in any of them, she won the Sant Jordi Award and the medal from the Círculo de Escritores Cinematográficos, for this role.
In 2014, back on television again she participated in the miniseries Hermanos and filmed Las aventuras del Capitán Alatriste although the latter was not broadcast until 2015. From 2015 through 2017, she played Amelia Folch in the Televisión Española series, El Ministerio del Tiempo.




2009Física o químicaErica4 episodes
2009De repente, los GómezSilvia10 episodes
2010La pecera de EvaEsther
2011Ángel o demonioValeria
2011CrematorioMiriam Mullor
2012ImperiumCora6 episodes
2014HermanosPilar Yagüe6 episodes
2015Las aventuras del Capitán AlatristeInés de Castro13 episodes
2015La dama velataCecile
2015Víctor RosLucía Alonso1 Episode
2015 - 2017El Ministerio del TiempoAmelia Folch
2016El padre de CaínBegoñaMiniseries
2018El día de mañanaCarme RománMiniseries


Awards and nominations