Augury (company)

Augury is a technology company that produces hardware, artificial intelligence, and software that diagnose malfunctions in machinery.


Augury was founded in 2011 by Saar Yoskovitz, who currently serves as their CEO, and the company's Chief Technology Officer Gal Shaul. In 2015 the company received $7 million in investment from a Series A round of funding, in 2017 it received $17 million in venture funding, and in 2019 it received an investment of $25 million in a Series C venture capital round, bringing its investment total to $51 million. The company has offices in New York and Haifa, Israel.
In January 2019, Augury acquired Alluvium.


Augury continuously measures and records machine data, including vibrations, temperature, and magnetic data from machines to determine if any potential malfunctions exist. It also provides information about the potential cause of any detected malfunctions. The hardware listening device is a wireless halo sensor, which uploads mechanical data to the cloud where its software uses an algorithm that is tied to a database of recorded malfunctions, to predict potential machine breakdowns before they occur. The database was developed by the company, which recorded a myriad of functioning and malfunctioning machines to determine the variables that would be helpful in diagnosis.