
Astrocartography is one of several methods of locational astrology, which purports to identify varying life conditions through differences in location.


Developed and popularized by American astrologer Jim Lewis, astrocartography is a locational astrology system that focuses on elements of the natal chart, by identifying these factors on a world "Astro*Carto*Graphy Map." Lewis' Astro*Carto*Graphy maps show all locations on the earth where planets were "angular" at the moment of an event like a person's birth. An "angular" planet is one that is conjunct one of these four angles. These locations are displayed in the form of lines on the Astro*Carto*Graphy world map.


These maps are used by 'astro-cartographers' to counsel their clients on plans for relocation or travel. As such, they are part of a general branch of astrology known as locational astrology or "relocation astrology". Other techniques used for this purpose include local space mapping, relocated birth charts, and city incorporation charts.