
Aslauga is a genus of butterflies in the family Lycaenidae. They are associated with other insects and found only in the Afrotropical realm. They are small usually grey-blue or grey-purple butterflies with a distinctive, but widely varied wing shape, especially pronounced in A. pandora. They are forest butterflies of the Congolian forests and Lower Guinean forests.
Original description by William Forsell Kirby:
"Wings short and broad, very densely scaled; anterior wings strongly curved outwards in the middle of the hind margin; posterior wings with a concavity on the inner margin at the anal angle. Anterior wings with the subcostal nervure five-branched, the first two branches emitted near together before the end of the cell and parallel, the other three short and emitted near the apex of the wing; the third and fourth parallel, running into the costa before the apex, the fifth running to the hind margin just below the apex".
