Ashina Helu

Ishbara Khagan was the last khagan of the Western Turkic Khaganate.


The Khagan's underlying Turkic name, transcribed with Chinese characters 賀魯, became a debate among scholars. Gumilyov proposed Hallïğ, meaning "Elevated". Von Gabain proposed name Kullïğ.. Gömeç argued for Uluğ meaning "Great",. Meanwhile, Kapusuzoğlu proposed Kutluğ as his underlying Turkic name. Zuev linked the Khagan personal name Helu with the tribal name Khallukh attested by Persian and Arab writers, and asserted that by the 7th century Helu's tribe was dynastic; later, however, Zuev proposed that Chinese Helu reflects Turkic *aru ~ arïğ "pure, light".

Early years

His parentage is uncertain. According to Gumilov his father was Böri Shad, however Chavannes attributes him to be a son of Irbis Seguy. He was awarded with the title shad by Dulu khagan in 633 and oppointed to govern certain tribes including Chuye, Qarluq, Nushibi. In 646 he rose against Irbis Seguy only to be defeated by him. He fled to China in 25 April 648 and had served the Tang dynasty as a general stationed in Mohe city in Gansu.
However he soon started to plan to assert independence using Taizong's death in 649. Qiao Baoming personal staff of Gaozong tried to avert it by ordering him to deliver his son Ashina Xiyun to serve in palace guard. Xiyun served for a while before returning to Helu again and encouraging him to attack Irbis Dulu khagan.


After a while he set up his horde near modern Shuanghe, began to receive submissions. According to Tongjian firstly Duolu tribe chiefs who were titled as čor, namely Chumukun chief , Huluwu chief Jue, Shesheti chief Tūn, Turgesh-Halach chief, Shunishi chief Chuban submitted. Huluwu chief was also a son-in-law to Helu. Nushibi tribal chiefs who were titled irkin also submitted - Axijie chief Kül, Geshu chief Kül, Basaigan chief Tong Ishbara, Axijie chief Nishu, Geshu chief Chuban. Ashina Xiyun was appointed crown prince with the title Bagatur Yabgu.
After formally reasserting independence from Tang, he commanded raids to Jin Ling and Pulei. Angered Gaozong stripped him of Chinese titles and ordered Qibi Heli and Liang Jianfang to secure border areas.
Conflicts also began in southern border when Zhenzhu yabgu started major incursions to Western Tujue territory. Later Zhenzhu contacted Tang to receive soldiers and requested to be created a qaghan in 655. Yuan Lichen was ordered by Gaozong to visit Zhenzhu in 8 November 656 to create him khagan, but he was stopped by Helu's soldiers near Suyab, causing Zhenzhu to lose much prestige.
In 657 Emperor Gaozong of Tang started the Conquest of the Western Turks. General Su Dingfang was appointed to be leading commander during whole operation. Chumukun tribe was first to lose whose chief Lantulu submitted. Tang army defeated Ishbara at the Battle of Irtysh River. However he fled to Chach with his son Ashina Xiyun and a noble retainer Xuyan. However he was soon handed over to Xiao Siya by Chach ruler Yixian Tarkhan.

Later years

After being captured he reportedly told Xiao Siya:
Emperor Gaozong spared him after 15 days and he lived out his days at the Tang capital Chang'an. He was buried near Illig Qaghan's memorial.