Asheboro City Schools

Asheboro City Schools is located in Asheboro, North Carolina.

District information

Student demographics
On March 6, 2005, Asheboro City Schools turned 100 years old. Our centennial brought many joyful reminders of all the ways this community supports and sacrifices on behalf of providing the best education possible for all its children.
As an outgrowth of our celebrations, we asked each school staff to prepare a brief history. While we would have benefited from more in-depth historical records, we were able to publish a special section to highlight just a few of the accomplishments and moments in history significant to Asheboro City Schools. We recognize many of the most special moments are held in the memories of our students, staff, parents and community, both past and present.
It is amazing to look back at the many community leaders that impacted our school system in its early years and how their work still lives on today. Asheboro City Schools is fortunate to have a history of strong parent and community support and a tradition of seeking out proactive strategies to improve the quality of our students’ education.

Member schools

Previously Dr. Terry Worrell

Assistant Superintendent