Aryeh Elhanani

Arieh Elhanani was an Israel Prize winner in the field of architecture for his “contribution to shaping Israeli culture.”


Elhanani was born in 1898 in Ukraine and immigrated in 1922 to Jerusalem, Israel. In Kharkov he was part of a group that designed revolutionary propaganda posters. He undertook the Jewish anthropological expedition into the Pale of Settlement with substantial influence on Russian-Jewish avant-garde art. He was part of the design of the first production of the design set for the theater dedicated to Peretz stories, as well as the second ohel exhibition of 1927..


Between 1913 and 1917, Elhanani completed a course in architecture studies in Kiev at the School of Art and Architecture.

Design work

Elhanani designed theater sets. He also worked in the fields of: graphic design, stage design, sculpture, typography. In addition, he was a judge in the design competition for the Valley of the Destroyed Communities.
He designed the logos of the Israel Defense Forces and Palmach. In 1934 he both designed and managed the Levant Fair site that took place in Tel Aviv. This rendered him responsible for some of the buildings and sculptures at the fair, most specifically The Flying Camel.
He built an 8-meter high concrete sculpture in the style of Russian Constructivism, known as “The Hebrew Laborer."
Some of the buildings he designed during his career include: Yad Vashem’s Hall of Remembrance, the municipal auditorium, the Gan Ha’ir Tower, Wix Library, Jacob Ziskind Building, the Charles Clore International House, the Stone Administration Building and the Isaac Wolfson Building. He also played a large role in the design of buildings at Bar-Ilan University.
also planned the sites of the Tel Aviv Convention Center and the Levant Fair in Tel Aviv.

Personal data

Arieh Elhanani’s parents were Elhanan Sapozhnikov and Chava Liva Sapazhnikov, one of four kids. Siblings were: Mania Sapozhnikov, Zvi Elhanani, Avraham Elhanani, and Meir Elhanani. He was married to Sara and they had a daughter named Michael Golan.