Artigueloutan is located some 11 km east by south-east of Pau and 9 km south of Morlaàs. Access to the commune is by the D817 from Pau in the west passing through the north of the commune and continuing to Soumoulou in the east. Access to the village is by the D215 road from Assat in the south-west passing through the village and continuing north to Andoins. The D213 comes from Ousse in the west passing through the village and continuing east to Nousty. The commune is entirely farmland. The Idelisbus line has two stops in the commune: one on route P10 from Pau Auchan to Artigueloutan - Community Hall and the second is Demand responsive transportFlexis Zone Est. The Ruisseau de l'Ousse passes through the centre of the commune from east to west and continues to join the Gave de Pau at Pau.
Its name in béarnais is Artigalotan. According to Michel Grosclaude the name comes from the Gasconartigalota, meaning "small cleared land", with the suffix -anam. A farm at a place called Belloc was mentioned in the Topographic Dictionary of 1863. Les Bordes, also called Viellelongue, was a hamlet in the commune in 1675,, and
Louboey.Paul Raymond indicated that there was a Lay Abbey at Lou Bouey, dependent on the Viscounts of Béarn. Cambus, a farm in Artigueloutan, was also a fief which, in 1538, included the communes of Ousse and Rontignon, vassal of the Viscounts of Béarn. Clerguet was a farm and a fief of the commune, vassal of the Viscounts of Béarn, mentioned in 1538. The Fort de César was a Motte-and-bailey castle in Artigueloutan and Ousse, mentioned in 1863. Rigabert'' is the name of a farm mentioned in the dictionary of 1863.
noted that in 1385, Artigueloutan had 28 fires and depended on the bailiwick of Pau.
The commune is part of seven inter-communal structures:
the Community of the Agglomeration of Pau-Pyrénées;
the AEP association of the Ousse Valley;
the association for the management of the Drainage basin of the Ousse;
the Energy association of Pyrénées-Atlantiques;
the inter-communal association for sanitation for the communes of the Ousse plain;
the inter-communal association for the construction of a rescue centre at Soumoulou;
the inter-communal association for the construction and operation of the CES at Bizanos.
In 2010 the commune had 914 inhabitants. The evolution of the number of inhabitants is known from the population censuses conducted in the commune since 1793. From the 21st century, a census of communes with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants is held every five years, unlike larger towns that have a sample survey every year. Artigueloutan is part of the Urban area of Pau.