
ArtInsights Animation and Film Art Gallery is a gallery specializing in animation and film art. It is located in the Reston Town Center in Reston, Virginia. The gallery represents original production artwork and limited edition pieces, as well as film and illustrative art. All pieces displayed in the gallery are for sale and exhibits regarding specific themes are arranged regularly.
The gallery has been host to many film and animation related exhibitions and continues to exclusively host official production and concept artwork from specific artists in the industry. In addition to in-gallery activities, Artinsights has consistently contributed to efforts and projects related to the conservation and promotion of film artwork.


ArtInsights was founded by co-owners Leslie Combemale and Michael Barry in December 1994. The gallery featured primarily vintage and new limited editions and original animation cels from animation studios such as Walt Disney, Warner Brothers and Hanna-Barbera, as well as art from Peanuts, and other smaller animation studios.


In 2005, the gallery began featuring art from the Harry Potter book series by Fred Bode and Mary Grandpre, as well as interpretive Disney art by a variety of artists including Jim Salvati, John Rowe, Tim Rogerson and Toby Bluth. At this time, ArtInsights also began retail representation of cinema artist John Alvin.
Later, the gallery expanded their film art inventory with properties including Indiana Jones, The Wizard of Oz, The Lord of the Rings, James Bond, and Star Wars original art.
The gallery has direct partnerships with a collection of film and illustrative artists and continues to represent the estate of the late John Alvin exclusively.


ArtInsights has held exhibitions regularly since opening in 1995. Some notable exhibitions include:
In August and September 2010, they have had both "The Official Art of Harry Potter" including original drawings and paintings by Tommy Lee Edwards used for the style guide for Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and "A Galaxy of Star Wars Art" including original art never before available for public purchase by top selling Star Wars artist Christian Waggoner and production painter for , William Silvers as well as official Star Wars Celebration V artist Randy Martinez.


ArtInsights promotes education regarding the collecting and caring of the types of artwork they carry. To this end, ArtInsights has created an educational series called "ArtInsights Collector's Education Series".
ArtInsights further promotes their gallery and the concepts they promote through their web magazine. Articles include web and video interviews of artists and personalities important to the film art culture, movie reviews, and event video highlights. ArtInsights web interviews include Lella Smith from Disney's Archives and Animation Research Library, Disney artists Ruben Aquino and Mark Henn, and cinema artist Steve Chorney, among others.
Owner Leslie Combemale has a nationally syndicated movie review platform, in which she uses the pseudonym "Cinema Siren". Cinema Siren reviews are widely distributed through the Patch Network and exclusive videos interviews and additional commentary are made available through YouTube.
Combemale presented at Comic-Con San Diego in 2010 as an exclusive Harry Potter artwork retailer. She has also given presentations on the official art of Star Wars at the American Film Institute on the art of cinema artist John Alvin. In addition, she regularly speaks to school groups about the history and process of animation as well as developing her ACES videos.
ArtInsights contributes to activities in their local community and has previously been involved in events including: