Arrondissement of Montdidier

The arrondissement of Montdidier is an arrondissement of France in the Somme department in the Hauts-de-France region. It has 109 communes. Its population is 47,700, and its area is.


The communes of the arrondissement of Montdidier, and their INSEE codes, are:
  1. Ailly-sur-Noye
  2. Andechy
  3. Armancourt
  4. Arvillers
  5. Assainvillers
  6. Aubercourt
  7. Aubvillers
  8. Ayencourt
  9. Balâtre
  10. Beaucourt-en-Santerre
  11. Becquigny
  12. Berteaucourt-lès-Thennes
  13. Beuvraignes
  14. Biarre
  15. Bouillancourt-la-Bataille
  16. Boussicourt
  17. Braches
  18. Bus-la-Mésière
  19. Cantigny
  20. Le Cardonnois
  21. Carrépuis
  22. Cayeux-en-Santerre
  23. Champien
  24. Chaussoy-Epagny
  25. Chirmont
  26. Cottenchy
  27. Coullemelle
  28. Courtemanche
  29. Crémery
  30. Cressy-Omencourt
  31. Damery
  32. Dancourt-Popincourt
  33. Davenescourt
  34. Démuin
  35. Domart-sur-la-Luce
  36. Dommartin
  37. L'Échelle-Saint-Aurin
  38. Erches
  39. Ercheu
  40. Esclainvillers
  41. Étalon
  42. Ételfay
  43. La Faloise
  44. Faverolles
  45. Fescamps
  46. Fignières
  47. Flers-sur-Noye
  48. Folleville
  49. Fonches-Fonchette
  50. Fontaine-sous-Montdidier
  51. Fouencamps
  52. Fransures
  53. Fresnoy-en-Chaussée
  54. Fresnoy-lès-Roye
  55. Goyencourt
  56. Gratibus
  57. Grivesnes
  58. Grivillers
  59. Gruny
  60. Guerbigny
  61. Guyencourt-sur-Noye
  62. Hailles
  63. Hallivillers
  64. Hangard
  65. Hangest-en-Santerre
  66. Hattencourt
  67. Herly
  68. Ignaucourt
  69. Jumel
  70. Laboissière-en-Santerre
  71. Laucourt
  72. Lawarde-Mauger-l'Hortoy
  73. Liancourt-Fosse
  74. Lignières
  75. Louvrechy
  76. Mailly-Raineval
  77. Malpart
  78. Marché-Allouarde
  79. Marestmontiers
  80. Marquivillers
  81. Mesnil-Saint-Georges
  82. Mézières-en-Santerre
  83. Montdidier
  84. Moreuil
  85. Morisel
  86. La Neuville-Sire-Bernard
  87. Piennes-Onvillers
  88. Le Plessier-Rozainvillers
  89. Le Quesnel
  90. Quiry-le-Sec
  91. Remaugies
  92. Rogy
  93. Roiglise
  94. Rollot
  95. Rouvrel
  96. Roye
  97. Rubescourt
  98. Saint-Mard
  99. Sauvillers-Mongival
  100. Sourdon
  101. Thennes
  102. Thory
  103. Tilloloy
  104. Trois-Rivières
  105. Verpillières
  106. Villers-aux-Érables
  107. Villers-lès-Roye
  108. Villers-Tournelle
  109. Warsy


The arrondissement of Montdidier was created in 1800. At the January 2017 reorganisation of the arrondissements of Somme, it received five communes from the arrondissement of Amiens, and it lost 26 communes to the arrondissement of Péronne.
As a result of the reorganisation of the cantons of France which came into effect in 2015, the borders of the cantons are no longer related to the borders of the arrondissements. The cantons of the arrondissement of Montdidier were, as of January 2015:
  1. Ailly-sur-Noye
  2. Montdidier
  3. Moreuil
  4. Rosières-en-Santerre
  5. Roye