Arrondissement of Châteauroux

The arrondissement of Châteauroux is an arrondissement of France in the Indre department in the Centre-Val de Loire region. It has 84 communes. Its population is 129,106, and its area is.


The communes of the arrondissement of Châteauroux, and their INSEE codes, are:
  1. Ardentes
  2. Argenton-sur-Creuse
  3. Argy
  4. Arpheuilles
  5. Arthon
  6. Badecon-le-Pin
  7. Baraize
  8. Baudres
  9. Bazaiges
  10. Bouesse
  11. Bouges-le-Château
  12. Bretagne
  13. Brion
  14. Buzançais
  15. Ceaulmont
  16. Celon
  17. La Chapelle-Orthemale
  18. Chasseneuil
  19. Châteauroux
  20. Châtillon-sur-Indre
  21. Chavin
  22. Chezelles
  23. Cléré-du-Bois
  24. Clion
  25. Coings
  26. Cuzion
  27. Déols
  28. Diors
  29. Écueillé
  30. Éguzon-Chantôme
  31. Étrechet
  32. Fléré-la-Rivière
  33. Fontguenand
  34. Francillon
  35. Frédille
  36. Gargilesse-Dampierre
  37. Gehée
  38. Heugnes
  39. Jeu-les-Bois
  40. Jeu-Maloches
  41. Langé
  42. Levroux
  43. Luant
  44. Luçay-le-Mâle
  45. Lye
  46. Mâron
  47. Le Menoux
  48. Méobecq
  49. Montierchaume
  50. Mosnay
  51. Moulins-sur-Céphons
  52. Murs
  53. Neuillay-les-Bois
  54. Niherne
  55. Palluau-sur-Indre
  56. Le Pêchereau
  57. Pellevoisin
  58. Le Poinçonnet
  59. Pommiers
  60. Le Pont-Chrétien-Chabenet
  61. Préaux
  62. Rouvres-les-Bois
  63. Saint-Cyran-du-Jambot
  64. Saint-Genou
  65. Saint-Lactencin
  66. Saint-Marcel
  67. Saint-Maur
  68. Saint-Médard
  69. Sassierges-Saint-Germain
  70. Selles-sur-Nahon
  71. Sougé
  72. Tendu
  73. Le Tranger
  74. Valençay
  75. Velles
  76. Vendœuvres
  77. La Vernelle
  78. Veuil
  79. Vicq-sur-Nahon
  80. Villedieu-sur-Indre
  81. Villegongis
  82. Villegouin
  83. Villentrois-Faverolles-en-Berry
  84. Vineuil


The arrondissement of Châteauroux was created in 1800. At the January 2017 reorganisation of the arrondissements of Indre, it gained eight communes from the arrondissement of La Châtre, and it lost one commune to the arrondissement of Le Blanc and one commune to the arrondissement of La Châtre.
As a result of the reorganisation of the cantons of France which came into effect in 2015, the borders of the cantons are no longer related to the borders of the arrondissements. The cantons of the arrondissement of Châteauroux were, as of January 2015:
  1. Ardentes
  2. Argenton-sur-Creuse
  3. Buzançais
  4. Châteauroux-Centre
  5. Châteauroux-Est
  6. Châteauroux-Ouest
  7. Châteauroux-Sud
  8. Châtillon-sur-Indre
  9. Écueillé
  10. Levroux
  11. Valençay