Arrondissement of Béthune

The arrondissement of Béthune is an arrondissement of France in the Pas-de-Calais department in the Hauts-de-France region. It has 104 communes. Its population is 293,991, and its area is.


The communes of the arrondissement of Béthune, and their INSEE codes, are:
  1. Allouagne
  2. Ames
  3. Amettes
  4. Annequin
  5. Annezin
  6. Auchel
  7. Auchy-au-Bois
  8. Auchy-les-Mines
  9. Bajus
  10. Barlin
  11. Béthune
  12. Beugin
  13. Beuvry
  14. Billy-Berclau
  15. Blessy
  16. Bourecq
  17. Bruay-la-Buissière
  18. Burbure
  19. Busnes
  20. Calonne-Ricouart
  21. Calonne-sur-la-Lys
  22. Camblain-Châtelain
  23. Cambrin
  24. Cauchy-à-la-Tour
  25. Caucourt
  26. Chocques
  27. La Comté
  28. La Couture
  29. Cuinchy
  30. Diéval
  31. Divion
  32. Douvrin
  33. Drouvin-le-Marais
  34. Ecquedecques
  35. Essars
  36. Estrée-Blanche
  37. Estrée-Cauchy
  38. Ferfay
  39. Festubert
  40. Fleurbaix
  41. Fouquereuil
  42. Fouquières-lès-Béthune
  43. Fresnicourt-le-Dolmen
  44. Gauchin-Légal
  45. Givenchy-lès-la-Bassée
  46. Gonnehem
  47. Gosnay
  48. Guarbecque
  49. Haillicourt
  50. Haisnes
  51. Ham-en-Artois
  52. Hermin
  53. Hersin-Coupigny
  54. Hesdigneul-lès-Béthune
  55. Hinges
  56. Houchin
  57. Houdain
  58. Isbergues
  59. Labeuvrière
  60. Labourse
  61. Lambres
  62. Lapugnoy
  63. Laventie
  64. Lespesses
  65. Lestrem
  66. Lières
  67. Liettres
  68. Ligny-lès-Aire
  69. Lillers
  70. Linghem
  71. Locon
  72. Lorgies
  73. Lozinghem
  74. Maisnil-lès-Ruitz
  75. Marles-les-Mines
  76. Mazinghem
  77. Mont-Bernanchon
  78. Nœux-les-Mines
  79. Neuve-Chapelle
  80. Norrent-Fontes
  81. Noyelles-lès-Vermelles
  82. Oblinghem
  83. Ourton
  84. Quernes
  85. Rebreuve-Ranchicourt
  86. Rely
  87. Richebourg
  88. Robecq
  89. Rombly
  90. Ruitz
  91. Sailly-Labourse
  92. Sailly-sur-la-Lys
  93. Saint-Floris
  94. Saint-Hilaire-Cottes
  95. Saint-Venant
  96. Vaudricourt
  97. Vendin-lès-Béthune
  98. Vermelles
  99. Verquigneul
  100. Verquin
  101. Vieille-Chapelle
  102. Violaines
  103. Westrehem
  104. Witternesse


The arrondissement of Béthune was created in 1800. The arrondissement of Lens was created in 1962 from part of the arrondissement of Béthune. At the January 2017 reorganisation of the arrondissements of Pas-de-Calais, it gained three communes from the arrondissement of Arras and one commune from the arrondissement of Lens.
As a result of the reorganisation of the cantons of France which came into effect in 2015, the borders of the cantons are no longer related to the borders of the arrondissements. The cantons of the arrondissement of Béthune were, as of January 2015:
  1. Auchel
  2. Barlin
  3. Béthune-Est
  4. Béthune-Nord
  5. Béthune-Sud
  6. Bruay-la-Buissière
  7. Cambrin
  8. Divion
  9. Douvrin
  10. Houdain
  11. Laventie
  12. Lillers
  13. Nœux-les-Mines
  14. Norrent-Fontes