Army Brats
Army Brats is a 1984 Dutch comedy film directed by Ruud van Hemert. The film is a dark family comedy, guerrilla warfare between disturbed parents and their disruptive children leads to chaos and mayhem. The film drew 1.5 million visitors, making it one of the most successful Dutch films ever. The film was selected as the Dutch entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 57th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.Cast
- Peter Faber as John Gisberts
- Geert de Jong as Danny Gisberts
- Akkemay Elderenbos as Madelon Gisberts
- Frank Schaafsma as Thijs Gisberts
- Pepijn Somer as Jan-Julius Gisberts
- Olivier Somer as Valentijn Gisberts
- Rijk de Gooijer as Pete Stewart
- Erik Koningsberger as Dennis
- Arie van Riet as John Wyatt