Armin Steigenberger

Armin Steigenberger is a German poet, novelist, writer, literary editor, and musician. At the end of the 1990s, he was chairman of the Münchner Literaturbüro. He won several literary awards including Irseer Pegasus in 2009.

Life and work

Steigenberger studied architecture at Technical University of Munich and worked until 2000 in the same profession. Since then he has worked as a freelance and writing reviews and organizing reading and writing seminars. In addition, he moderates two radio broadcasts for :de:LORA München|LORA Munich and is co-editor of the literary magazine Außer.dem. He is a member of the poetry group Rhyme Free and was from 2008 to 2011 participant in the Darmstadt Text Workshop Kurt Drawert. Together with Karin Fellner, he is considered one of the driving forces in the development of a contemporary Munich lyric poetry scene. Steigenberger mainly writes poetry, but also published a novel and wrote plays. Numerous texts also appeared in literary journals and anthologies.
Steigenberger moderated the one-hour radio program "Schöner Stottern", from 2007 to 2015, together with Enrico Strathausen. The program offered information on stuttering, but above all on the social perception of stuttering and the associated exclusion. The program was perceived as a successful attempt to counteract social discrimination against stuttering people. The fact that both moderators themselves stuttered was a peculiarity and was considered a taboo because stuttering people would not normally have access to the radio and television media.
Steigenberger is married and lives in Munich.
