Armidale Regional Council

The Armidale Region is a local government area in the New England and Northern Tablelands regions of New South Wales, Australia. This area was formed in 2016 from the merger of the Armidale Dumaresq Shire with the surrounding Guyra Shire.
The combined area covered the urban area of Armidale and the surrounding region, extending primarily eastward from the city through farming districts to the gorges and escarpments that mark the edge of the Northern Tablelands.
The Armidale Region is administered by the Armidale Regional Council.
The Mayor of the Armidale Region is Cr. Simon Murray, an independent politician.


On 1 July 2019, Tingha was transferred from Armidale Region to Inverell Shire.

Main towns and villages

In addition to the main centre of and the town of Guyra, the villages located in the area include Ben Lomond, Black Mountain, Dangarsleigh, Ebor, Hillgrove, Kellys Plains, Llangothlin, and Wollomombi.

Heritage listings

The Armidale Region has a number of heritage-listed sites, including the following sites in Armidale:


Armidale Regional Council is composed of eleven Councillors elected proportionally as a single ward. All Councillors are elected for a fixed four-year term of office. The Mayor is elected by the Councillors at the first meeting of the Council. The most recent election was held on 9 September 2017, and the makeup of the Council is as follows:
The current Council, elected in 2017, in order of election, is: