The story is told from the perspective of 3 different characters. Players explore different areas of a Bangkok hospital in order to piece together the mysterious circumstances and solve the murder case of Araya. Araya is bipolar and claims misanthropy, and prefers staying home. However, when she befriends a girl named Marisa, she feels that she can be at ease around her. Araya later is hit on by a boy named Sorn, but Marisa warns her to stay away from him, claiming that he's a playboy. Araya agrees at first, but starts a relationship with Sorn anyway, resulting in a pregnancy that causes arguments. For an unknown reason, Sorn procures a sleeping pill and gives it to Araya, but it kills her, and Sorn panics, as he doesn't want to be blamed for her death. Sorn takes Araya's body to the hospital's parking garage, where he hangs her by a noose and dies by accident. Marisa gets a text message from Araya years after her death, and goes to the now decrepit hospital. While she is searching it, she is chased by a man named Jit, who previously worked there and now stays for an unknown reason. Marisa is caught by Jit, who doesn't kill her while she is unconscious. Rama is the hospital's security guard who patrols the hospital and is also chased by Jit, who he previously knew. Rama's boss later tells him to meet up at a location in the hospital, but is supposedly stabbed in the back by Jit. Jit chases Rama again, but this time he gets knocked out by a bookshelf. The third character, Boon, has to go to the hospital to complete tasks for a gang to clear his gambling debt. He is chased several times by a gigantic "Praet", a type of ghost that Thai people believe children who have sinned against their parents will become after death. During the end of Boon's mission, he and Rama cross paths, and both quickly discuss how to escape the hospital. Later, Marisa finds the corpse of Araya and faints. She wakes up in a nightmarish labyrinth, where at the end she hears Sorn and Araya's argument, and finds a ghostly version of Araya hanging. Araya transforms into a vengeful ghost, believing that there is no one left who cares about her. Rama finds the room where an unconscious Mariya and Araya's corpse are. If Rama looks at Araya's corpse, he can examine the nail in her forehead. After trying to wake Marisa, Jit enters the room and attacks Rama. Rama pushes Jit away, and is then given the option to either kill or spare Jit. Rama's boss comes in the room and knocks Rama out, blaming him for ruining his and Jit's unknown plan. The boss in turn is pushed by Araya's ghost and knocks his head against a table, and presumably dies. Marisa awakes and tries to escape from Araya. When she is by the exit, the spirit appears and blocks her way. There are two endings that can happen depending on whether or not Jit was spared: if he was spared, Jit will come and attack the spirit by stabbing her in the forehead with his sacred dagger. If Jit is killed, it is Rama who attacks Araya instead. Either way, the three main characters escape the burning hospital. Marisa wakes up surrounded by police outside. Rama stares at the hospital. Boon is trying to explain to a policeman what happened. If Jit is spared, he can be seen sitting on the ground outside holding his head in his hands. Marisa looks up at the hospital sadly, and the game ends with someone reaching for her hand.
Marisa: A brave, confident girl and the only friend Araya ever had. She came to the hospital because she got a message from her who mysteriously disappeared a year ago.
Rama: A security guard at the hospital, he witnessed a strange event while he was on patrol.
Boon: A young guy scared of his own shadow. He is crazy about collecting amulets and is on a mission at the hospital to wipe out his gambling debts once and for all.
Jit: A necromancer on a murderous spree who happens to be the main antagonist and lead suspect for Araya's murder.